oral surgery for your sleep apnea

The Role of Oral Surgery in Treating Sleep Apnea

January 15, 2025

Will oral surgery help your sleep apnea issues? Well, the answer is a definite yes. You can experience health issues like high blood pressure, heart disease, etc, because of pauses in breathing while sleeping. Obesity and lifestyle factors can also cause this condition. However, like you, many don’t realize the role of dental health and jaw structure.

Read this blog to learn how oral surgery can help you sleep soundly at night.

What Is The Role of Oral and Jaw Structure in Sleep Apnea?

You might experience sleep apnea because of problems with your airway. A misaligned jaw can increase your risk of experiencing airway obstruction while sleeping. Conditions like a recessed lower jaw and a small jaw can make your tongue and soft tissues collapse into your airway.

Moreover, excessive soft tissues in your throat, enlarged tonsils, etc, might also contribute to airway blockages. Traditional methods can fail to bring results. In these cases, surgical procedures can permanently remove the cause of your airway obstruction.

The Oral Surgery Procedures For Treating Sleep Apnea

The dentist might use the following procedures in oral surgery in Beaverton for sleep apnea:

Muscle Advancement

Your genioglossus muscle controls your tongue movement. In this procedure, the dentist will reposition the point where your muscle attaches itself to the lower jaw. This will prevent your tongue from collapsing backward while you are sleeping.

Maxillomandibular Adavancement

In this procedure, your oral surgeon will reposition your upper and lower jaw to enlarge your airway. As your jaw moves forward, your tongue and soft tissues are pulled away from your airway. This surgery offers success rates and reduces your sleep apnea symptoms.

Tissue Removal 

It will remove the excess tissue from your throat, including the soft palate, uvula, and so on. The increased airway space will help you breathe while you are sleeping.

Apart from these popular methods, other additional procedures like soft palate implants and nasal surgeries might be able to help you.

What Are The Benefits of Choosing Oral Surgery For Sleep Apnea?

Curious about the advantages of this surgical procedure for your mouth? Here they are:

  • You can get rid of chronic fatigue with sound sleep. Your sleep apnea episodes will also reduce significantly.
  • On some occasions, you can find complete freedom from CPAP therapy after undergoing the procedure.
  • Surgical interventions will provide you with long-term and permanent solutions for your debilitating condition.

Give yourself the necessary time to recover from the treatment. Only a dentist can decide if you are eligible for this dental procedure.

Who Should Consider Oral Surgery?

You might be a perfect candidate if you are not responding to CPAP therapy, have oral structural issues, or are looking for more permanent solutions. You can also see a sleep specialist to know if you need surgical intervention. The specialist will evaluate the structural factors to choose the best procedure.

Soon, you can find relief from the side effects caused by this condition. 

Oral surgery is a viable and often life-changing option if you struggle with sleep problems. Solving the structural issues and jaw problems will help you find relief from the symptoms bothering you. When traditional treatments fail, worry not. Surgical procedures can be your way to peace and happiness.

Are you eager to see a qualified oral surgeon? Contact us for a consultation today!