Cavities, Caries, or tooth decay are caused due to several factors which include poor oral hygiene and excessive presence of bacteria in your mouth. Both adults and children are at risk of suffering from it so you need to be careful no matter what age you are. Dental cavities are primarily holes in your teeth that can lead to loss of teeth if left untreated. Regular brushing and flossing coupled with adequate preventive measures can help you to eliminate the risk of this condition. Our dentists at Pacific Northwest Dental will explain the causes of cavities in this blog.
What is a Cavity?
Dental cavities or dental caries are damaged and decayed portions on the surface of your teeth which can develop into holes if left unchecked. The hole is generally formed by the acid produced by microbes present in your mouth. It is one of the most common dental issues which can lead to several complications in the future. You won’t often experience any pain and might not even realize the presence of a cavity. The decay can spread further and adversely affect your dental hygiene. Understanding the causes and following good oral hygiene tips can help you to prevent cavity formation.
Causes of Dental Cavities
Wondering how to tell if you have cavities? Your favorite Beaverton dentist has come up with a list of causes to prevent the issue and also detect it in time.
Plaque Formation
Consumption of sugary substances and accumulation of their debris in your mouth can lead to the formation of a sticky substance known as plaque. Irregular brushing can lead to the accumulation of this substance and cause serious damage to your teeth. Bacteria present in plaque can wear away your enamel and slowly reach your pulp. This can cause excruciating pain and ultimately affect your root. It is essential to practice good dental care habits and get professional dental cleanings. This will reduce the risk of cavity formation considerably.
Dry and Dehydrated Oral Cavity
A dry mouth can result in less saliva production. Saliva is an essential component that can wash away the bacteria present in your mouth. Less saliva can increase the chances of contracting dental caries. Hydrate yourself and if the problem persists then visit your dentist in Beaverton without any further delay.
Snacking and Sipping Sugary Drinks
We all love candies and our sugary drinks, don’t we? However, they might be the leading cause of tooth cavities in your mouth. The cavity-causing bacteria love the sugar and produce more acid which wears away your teeth. You must avoid munching on sugary food items continuously. Sugary beverages can also cause a lot of harm to your teeth and pave the way for further damage and decay. Rinsing your mouth after a snacking session could help you to curb the problem.
Some Specific Food Items
Certain edibles such as cereals, chips, cake, cookies, and even milk can cling onto the surface of your teeth and affect the outer layer. You must reduce the consumption of these items to enjoy a cavity-free mouth.
Acid Reflux
When you are suffering from heartburn or other gastrointestinal disorders, then the stomach acid can come up to your mouth. This results in extensive enamel erosion and exposes the dentin to harmful microbes. This is a leading cause of dental caries and it is advisable to visit your Beaverton dentist if you suffer from such disorders.
Dental cavities are an extremely common disease and can be treated by our best dentist in Beaverton if you suffer from it. If you are looking for the best dental care services in Beaverton, OR then visit us at Pacific Northwest Dental today!